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The paradox of carbon credits

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By Renat Heuberger, Steve Zwick

· 2 min read

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Carbon credits have been by far the most debated and developed financial mechanism to fight climate change. Yet, they come with contradictions that challenge their fairness, effectiveness, and equity. This page is purposefully created by two of the most authoritative leaders in this field, making the understanding of carbon fun, engaging and insightful as never before.

  1. The Baseline paradox
  2. The Polluters paradox
  3. The Ethics paradox
  4. The Speed paradox
  5. The Communities paradox
  6. The Offset paradox
  7. The Additionality paradox
  8. The Ambitions paradox
  9. The Perfection paradox
  10. The Claims paradox
  11. The Leakage paradox
  12. The Voluntary paradox
  13. The Avoidance paradox
  14. The Science paradox
  15. The Standards paradox
  16. The Control paradox
  17. The Novelty paradox
  18. The Crowds paradox
  19. The Ideologies paradox
  20. The Nature paradox
  21. The Transparency paradox
  22. The Price paradox
  23. The Size paradox
  24. The Expectations paradox
  25. The Intentions paradox
  26. The Profits paradox

These paradoxes are also published on illuminem Voices is a democratic space presenting the thoughts and opinions of leading Sustainability & Energy writers, their opinions do not necessarily represent those of illuminem.

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About the authors

Renat Heuberger is the co-founder and Senior Adviser of South Pole, the world's largest sustainability solutions provider. He has been engaged as a social entrepreneur in the fields of sustainability, climate change and renewable energies since 1999. Before founding South Pole, Heuberger co-founded and acted as the CEO of the myclimate foundation. He currently also acts as CEO of Terra Impact Ventures.

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Steve Zwick is the co-founder of carbonparadox, a global platform addressing paradoxes in climate finance discourse, and the owner and host of Bionic Planet, a top-ranking podcast on economy and ecology

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