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18. Crowds paradox

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By Renat Heuberger, Steve Zwick

· 2 min read

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The power of large groups to influence society is typically impressive: whether in music, sports, protests, or celebrations, crowds often amplify impact. Have you ever participated in a “critical mass” bicycle parade when thousands of bikers flock to the streets, singing and dinging? You know what we are talking about; crowds can be very powerful. 

However, in the climate movement, this dynamic paradoxically works in reverse. While everyone in this diverse global coalition agrees on the urgency of climate action, the sheer diversity of viewpoints on the best strategies splinters the movement’s unity and can dilute its effectiveness.

As a result, unified calls for action deteriorate into ideological debates. The “climate crowd” gets larger and larger, but it appears that, hampered by ongoing infighting, the growth of the crowd makes it less and less powerful.

How can we bridge gaps? How can we reduce the notorious infighting within the sustainability community?

In this series, two leading authorities in carbon uncover the secrets and contradictions of an entire industry – in the most fun and engaging way. Through 26 curated Carbon Paradoxes, you'll learn everything essential about this field, starting with the tensions we must address to make environmental markets thrive.

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About the authors

Renat Heuberger is the co-founder and Senior Adviser of South Pole, the world's largest sustainability solutions provider. He has been engaged as a social entrepreneur in the fields of sustainability, climate change and renewable energies since 1999. Before founding South Pole, Heuberger co-founded and acted as the CEO of the myclimate foundation. He currently also acts as CEO of Terra Impact Ventures.

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Steve Zwick is the co-founder of carbonparadox, a global platform addressing paradoxes in climate finance discourse, and the owner and host of Bionic Planet, a top-ranking podcast on economy and ecology

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