· 2 min read
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This paradox is short, as we talk about speed. When it comes to funding a forestry project – in fact, any impactful project – timing is everything.
Here is the paradox: If you move too fast, you might cut short essential steps in your due diligence, risking the quality and impact of the project.
But if you move too slowly, trying to check every box and avoid every risk, the forest you’re trying to save might be gone by the time your full assessment is complete.
The numbers are staggering: While you’ve been reading this short text, about twenty football fields of forest were cut down.
Have you experienced the speed paradox? If so, how can you address it? How can you speed up project implementation without running outsized risks?
In this series, two leading authorities in carbon uncover the secrets and contradictions of an entire industry – in the most fun and engaging way. Through 26 curated Carbon Paradoxes, you'll learn everything essential about this field, starting with the tensions we must address to make environmental markets thrive.
This article is also published on carbonparadox.org. illuminem Voices is a democratic space presenting the thoughts and opinions of leading Sustainability & Energy writers, their opinions do not necessarily represent those of illuminem.