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This is one of the shortest but most tricky paradoxes.
Yes or no, should you fully control how the money is spent on the ground when you buy carbon credits from a project?
If your answer is “no,” you risk criticism for allowing potential misuse of funds due to lack of oversight.
If your answer is “yes,” paradoxically, you face an utterly different critique: accusations of not trusting and empowering local authorities and communities. This can be perceived as paternalistic or even neo-colonial.
How to address the control paradox?
In this series, two leading authorities in carbon uncover the secrets and contradictions of an entire industry – in the most fun and engaging way. Through 26 curated Carbon Paradoxes, you'll learn everything essential about this field, starting with the tensions we must address to make environmental markets thrive.
This article is also published on carbonparadox.org. illuminem Voices is a democratic space presenting the thoughts and opinions of leading Sustainability & Energy writers, their opinions do not necessarily represent those of illuminem.