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Argentinian flag
Angela Wilkinson photo

Angela Wilkinson

CEO, World Energy Council

At the World Energy Council we recognize illuminem for bringing sustainability and energy news, views, and perspectives to so many citizens across the world.

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Argentinian flag
Patricio Lombardi photo

Patricio Lombardi

First Secretary of Climate in the Americas (Minister of Argentina)

illuminem is fantastic. I fully support your mission, your values, and your concrete example. We will achieve a great impact together.

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Argentinian flag
Nicholas Stern photo

Nicholas Stern

Fmr. Chief Economist, World Bank

Your illuminem platform sounds tremendous. Congratulations on taking the initiative. This kind of positive and thoughtful action can make a huge difference.

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Argentinian flag
David Blackmon photo

David Blackmon

Senior Contributor, Forbes

Thanks to the folks at illuminem. Few in the media want to ask hard questions about this energy transition. Even fewer media outlets would promote a piece that does so. That’s integrity.

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Argentinian flag
Georg Kell photo

Georg Kell

Founder of the United Nations Global Compact

I am quite impressed. The quality of your work is excellent. I am happy to support you.

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Argentinian flag
Elizabeth Lewis photo

Elizabeth Lewis

Deputy Head of ESG, Blackstone

At Blackstone we are very impressed by what you’ve built at illuminem.

The illuminem Team

A global community of change-makers: sustainability leaders, industry experts, and planet earth enthusiasts

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A Company led by its Values



We are on a mission for our planet. At illuminem, we use our business, visibility and community to advance knowledge & action for a better world. Our carbon footprint is 100% offset, our screen is black to save energy, and we are also committed to share 5% of our profits with causes voted by our community.

Knowledge democracy

Knowledge democracy

We believe in the power of knowledge to solve the world’s most pressing issues. At illuminem, everyone is offered free quality information on sustainability. Everyone’s opinion is welcome among our reputable illuminem Voices.

Quality, no hierarchy

Quality, no hierarchy

We believe that great ideas come from anyone, regardless of their position or title. At illuminem, everyone’s voice is valued, resulting in greater insights. Our AI algorithms feature what you like based on community interactions, not what an editorial board wants you to see.



We believe in equal opportunities. At illuminem, there is no space for discrimination by race, faith, sexual orientation or gender.



We believe in transparency to empower the right choices of businesses and individuals. At illuminem, we publicly report our impact. We proudly created the first open platform to monitor & compare the sustainable performance of any company.



illuminem is an inclusive global community, sharing the same climate urgency. At illuminem, our products are designed for our users by our users

At illuminem, success is measured in terms of impact


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of our most read Thought Leaders are women


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illuminem HQ

illuminem is headquartered at the heart of Venice, the fragile “capital of sustainability”. We are proud to be the first international startup in this uniquely beautiful, car-free city - at the frontier of the climate fight. We aspire to be an example of how “local territories” can lead the world's transition in sustainability and technology.

Venice view


Best Digital Media Startups in Europe

Best Digital Media Startups in Europe

Leading Innovator in Italy

Leading Innovator in Italy

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Top Sustainability Startup Globally

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Founded by a group of climate quitters from all continents, our story is made of grassroot passion and shared responsibility for our planet

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