Christian Bruch



Christian Bruch

#6 most read in

 Power & Utilities

Christian Bruch is President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Energy AG, one of the world’s leading energy technology companies. The company works with its customers and partners on energy systems for the future, thus supporting the transition to a more sustainable world.

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Christian Bruch

It is time to act now – Europe needs a new, strong industrial policy

Massively increased energy costs, rising inflation and the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act – three enormous challenges that show how important it is for Europe to speak with one voice and act now. It needs a strategically oriented, pragmatic and equally sustainable industrial policy – driven by political and business leaders alike. After all, both sides bear equal responsibility for ensuring that Europe does not fall behind in global competition.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
It is time to act – no excuses
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Christian Bruch

It is time to act – no excuses

Energy Transition

One year after Glasgow, the world is meeting for another climate summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. And the situation could not be more pressing. Unfortunately, the world is a long way from the decade of implementation proclaimed in Scotland – on the contrary, 2021 ended with the highest GHG emissions ever measured worldwide. Global energy demand is growing exponentially as well. Furthermore, energy markets and policies have changed due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, not just for the time being but for decades to come. In short: Together for Implementation. Just and Ambitious – the motto of this year’s COP27 conference in Sharm el-Sheikh could not be timelier and more precise because action is needed more urgently than ever. But COP27 needs to deliver much more than just words – because time is running out.

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Christian Bruch

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Energy Transition · Energy

It is time to act – no excuses

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