The Global ESG Alliance

Powered by Traent and 1,000+ action-leaders around the world


Actors united for an ESG-driven future

This is our chance to unite for a better world, show our customers & stakeholders that we believe in a ESG-driven future, forge new collaborations, learn from best practices, gain positive visibility and ultimately dare to lead this world with impact.

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1,000+ action-leaders

The Alliance is already composed of 1,000+ firms / associations / institutions across all continents and industries. Alliance members have no formal engagement, but are empowered to lead a global ESG transition.


Our free offer to empower each Ally

Offered services are fully free and optional for all allies.

Visibility: a megaphone for your communications

Your communications, pitches and ESG initiatives are given visibility on - the most-read platform on sustainability information.

Knowledge: the most updated insights for your team

A free & exclusive weekly newsletter inform your team with everything that matters in your domain of the sustainability world.

Network: an unparalleled “club for good” for your collaborations

A global network of experts, journalists, policy-makers and industry leaders around the world is at your disposal.

Benefits: free services & products from ally to ally

Free services & products from ally to ally: free education from Axa, free blockchain services from Traent, free office space in Venice from VeniSIA and much more!

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Don't stay on the wrong side. Join the 1st Global Alliance of ESG-driven leaders!

Any ESG-driven company, institution, startup or association is invited! Just complete the form below and our team will assist you.

Your participation is completely free and rescindable at any time. Yes, you don't have any excuse - this is our chance to join forces for a better future.


We unlock change that matters, together!

1,000+ action-leaders from all continents and industries have already joined. We believe that a value-driven future is possible, we are committed to building it together!

Be part of the future of sustainability information

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