Elizabeth Lewis



Elizabeth Lewis

#3 most read in

 Diversity & Inclusion

Elizabeth Lewis is a Managing Director and Deputy Head of ESG, supporting Blackstone's corporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts. She formely led engagement with investors, NGOs, governments, and other stakeholders on climate change and diversity for the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Prior to IFC, Ms. Lewis was a Partner and Director of Strategy & Business Development for Terra Alpha Investments, and Head of Sustainable Investing at the World Resources Institute (leading the establishment of the WRI's Sustainable Investing Program).

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Elizabeth Lewis

Commit to women in business

Before ESG became mainstream, I was used to attending private equity events and being among a small minority of women present. Thankfully, now we are far more numerous. From my own life, I know how important it is for women to see other women leading, and I was fortunate to see women leading at senior levels in organizations all of my life.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
How global business can drive climate action
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Elizabeth Lewis

How global business can drive climate action

Environmental Sustainability

Climate change is the crisis of our time. We have under a decade to get our planetary carbon emissions under control. Those of us in business – especially global businesses – have more power to create value by fighting climate change than ever before. Global businesses can drive forward innovative technologies that create energy using the earth’s renewable resources. They can move quickly when a solution is promising. They can deploy capital in flexible ways to scale solutions across the globe. And, they can do all of this while creating well-paying jobs of the future.

Recent publications

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Elizabeth Lewis

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Environmental Sustainability · ESG

How global business can drive climate action

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