Massimiliano Masi



Massimiliano Masi

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Massimiliano Masi is the General Manager of Magaldi Middle East. He is a veteran in the energy and renewables industry, with extensive experience in Italy and the Middle East.

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Massimiliano Masi

Interview with Max Masi, on “Total Renewable Energy: A Tale of a Decarbonized World”

An exclusive illuminem interview with Max Masi, author of "Total Renewable Energy: A Tale of a Decarbonized World, empowered by AI", by Andrea Gori, CEO of illuminem

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Redefining Industrial Heat: The Crucial Role of Thermal Energy Storage in a Decarbonized Future
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Massimiliano Masi

Redefining Industrial Heat: The Crucial Role of Thermal Energy Storage in a Decarbonized Future

Energy Storage

Viewing 250 years of history through the lens of the industrial revolution, we find ourselves at a pivotal point in time. TES technology has the potential to allow industries to move away from their passive reliance on fossil fuels and embrace a modern, more efficient renewable energy mindset for any industrial thermal need.

Recent publications

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Massimiliano Masi

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Energy Storage · Battery

Redefining Industrial Heat: The Crucial Role of Thermal Energy Storage in a Decarbonized Future

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