Nicholas Stern



Nicholas Stern

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 Diversity & Inclusion

Lord Nicholas Stern is the former Chief Economist of The World Bank, the current Chair at the London School of Economics Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment and the world's foremost expert on the critical relationship between climate change and economic development. 

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Nicholas Stern

From pledges to progress: delivering on COP28's historic agreement

The goals of the Paris Agreement will not be realised without a major and rapid increase in investment, particularly in emerging market and developing countries

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Climate and poverty: exclusive interview with Lord Nicholas Stern
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Nicholas Stern

Climate and poverty: exclusive interview with Lord Nicholas Stern

Environmental Sustainability

We recently spoke to Lord Nicholas stern, ex-Chief Economist at the World Bank and author of the groundbreaking Stern Review

Recent publications

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Nicholas Stern

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

Climate and poverty: exclusive interview with Lord Nicholas Stern

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