Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov



Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov

#2 most read in

 Human Rights

Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov is the founder of No Objectives, a non-profit research and design agency turning minority insights into majority actions. Also an architect, Kasper bridges strategy, activism, and design to transform complex challenges into actionable solutions, helping organisations drive collective action. Through branded activism, he integrates marketing with social and environmental causes to spark systemic change, shaping a future that prioritises sustainability, equity, and resilience.

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Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov

Marx modern monetary theory

The shift to fiat currency grants governments monetary sovereignty, yet policies often favor capitalist interests over social equity and ecological health, highlighting the need for systemic change

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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