Ian Kaplan



Ian Kaplan

#29 most read in


Ian Kaplan is the Founder of TheClimateSavers and the Co-founder of the Climate Awareness and Policy Change Group (CAPCG). He is an executive entrepreneur at heart with significant experience in the startup ecosystem, including the fields of climate change, renewable energy, fintech/insurtech, and digital health. He is passionate about ventures that aim to improve the health of our environment and our community.

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Brad Zarnett

Hey, I’ve got something we need to talk about - but I don’t want anyone to hear

Leaders need a safe place to discuss pressing climate issues without risking their personal or professional reputation

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
How to stop lying to our kids about climate change
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Brad Zarnett

How to stop lying to our kids about climate change

Climate Change

Either we unite to force policy change at the highest levels or we keep lying to our children

Recent publications

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Brad Zarnett

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Climate Change · Environmental Sustainability

How to stop lying to our kids about climate change

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