Tom Gosling



Tom Gosling

#6 most read in

 Sustainable Finance

Tom Gosling is an Executive Fellow at London Business School and at the European Corporate Governance Institute. He has 20+ years of experience as a board adviser and is a leading independent authority on corporate governance and responsible business. He is a member of the Steering Committee of The Purposeful Company, and was previously a senior Partner at PwC.

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Tom Gosling

What GFANZ should have said

We’ve been following the GFANZ turmoil with interest, as you all surely have as well. We won’t bore you with a lengthy analysis of what happened, what went wrong, and why, and how US banks can be persuaded to stay in. We don’t think you would read it. Instead, on the eve of COP27, we wanted to offer some thoughts on what GFANZ should have said (or not said) a year ago, in place of the press release that was actually issued. Because perhaps the only way forward for GFANZ is to start all over again. And if it is too late for GFANZ, we hope future initiatives take note and don’t fall into the same traps GFANZ did.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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