Ryan Williams



Ryan Williams

#28 most read in

 Power & Utilities

Professor Ryan Williams is Chief Economist at Enoda. Ryan has 20+ years of experience in economics, finance, and accounting across industry and academia. He was previously a tenured professor at the University of Arizona and currently lectures at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL.

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Ryan Williams

Unravelling the UK's failed offshore wind auction

Auctions are generally an effective market-based mechanism for encouraging renewable energy projects. The recent failed auction in the UK highlights the pitfalls of not accurately balancing risk and reward

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
The blind gridmaker
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Ryan Williams

The blind gridmaker


How continuous evolution of the grid enables the increasing demands of our energy-hungry civilisation

Recent publications

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Ryan Williams

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Energy · Power Grid

The blind gridmaker

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