Paul Rogers



Paul Rogers

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Paul Rogers is a highly respected academic and researcher in the field of peace studies. He is Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University and an Honorary Fellow of the Joint Service Command and Staff College (JSCSC). He  has extensive experience lecturing on topics related to international conflict, particularly in the Middle East and on the topic of paramilitary violence. He has a long-standing research interest in the intersection between socioeconomic marginalization, climate disruption, and security. Paul has written 30 books and over 150 papers and book chapters on these topics and his work has been widely published and translated into multiple languages. He is a regular commentator on international affairs and has been invited to contribute his writings to a series on "Pioneers" by Springer Nature.

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Paul Rogers

Will the weather eventually provoke radical action on climate?

It could take a catastrophic weather event in the Global North to bring real action on climate breakdown.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Amid climate crisis gloom, new renewables technology brings a ray of hope
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Paul Rogers

Amid climate crisis gloom, new renewables technology brings a ray of hope


Fossil fuel lobby and neo-liberalism must not stand in the way of renewable energy’s increased potential.

Recent publications

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Paul Rogers

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Energy · Renewables

Amid climate crisis gloom, new renewables technology brings a ray of hope

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