Colette Menard



Colette Menard

#150 most read in

 Sustainable Business

Colette Menard is a Partner and Scientific Director at Stim, and also a co-founder of StimShift. she has been in charge of developing methods and tools to manage innovation activities. Today, through StimShift business unit, she has made a real role in the environmental transition of industries and companies.

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Anh Nguyen

Eco-design: a differentiation factor or a dead-end?

Despite having been around for 30 years, never before has eco-design become such a popular philosophy of design. Companies are either being praised or criticised if they present eco-design labelled offers - it is either a good push in the right direction towards a more sustainable future, or it is greenwashing.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Reinvent the business model – the most important lever to tackle the environmental shift
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Anh Nguyen

Reinvent the business model – the most important lever to tackle the environmental shift


In recent years, companies and industries are starting to rethink their products and services in order to achieve ambitious environmental goals. While these eco-design efforts are necessary, they are still object-bound while ignoring the whole system.

Recent publications

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Anh Nguyen

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ESG · Corporate Social Responsibility

Reinvent the business model – the most important lever to tackle the environmental shift

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