Carla Della Maggiora



Carla Della Maggiora

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Carla Della Maggiora is the Deputy Director of BASE Foundation (formerly the Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy), a UNEP specialised partner, where she leads the circular economy portfolio and advices on the development of innovative business models for driving finance to climate projects. She has worked for MDBs, the private and public sectors, NGOs and academia, having started her career in the financial sector. She is an advocate of education on sustainability.

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An interview with sustainability leaders at Villars Institute Summit

An exclusive illuminem interview conducted at the Villars Institute Summit, bringing together the world’s most distinguished sustainability experts

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
We are not out of the woods yet: putting nature at the center of climate action and beyond
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Carla Della Maggiora

We are not out of the woods yet: putting nature at the center of climate action and beyond


In climate action agendas, as has been the case with the annual Conference of Parties, nature is often mentioned in relation to carbon. But as we expand our understanding of climate change and the ways to address it, it is time we recognise that nature goes well beyond carbon and has equally, if not more, essential contributions than decarbonising our economic system. The provision of its myriad of ecosystem services plays a key role not only for the climate (e.g., stabilisation of the water cycle) but for life itself, including ours. 

Recent publications

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Carla Della Maggiora

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Nature · Biodiversity

We are not out of the woods yet: putting nature at the center of climate action and beyond

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