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An interview with sustainability leaders at Villars Institute Summit

At the 2023 Villars Institute Summit, illuminem's CEO Andrea Gori caught up with Illuminem Thought Leaders Peter Benhur Nyeko, Carla della Maggiora, and Marie-Laure Schaufelberger to get their insights on the latest global sustainability debate.

Watch the video here.

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About the authors

Andrea Gori is an entrepreneur & global expert in sustainability, green tech and energy transition. He is the founder & "Chief Earth Officer" (CEO) of Previously, he served as BCG's Global Green Champion, delivering projects on sustainable investments around the world. He has been awarded one of Italy's Leading Innovators of 2023 and Angel List’s Top Startups in Europe. His latest TEDx, where he explores the challenges and solutions for effective ESG implementations, is recognized as "the most-watched talk in Italian on sustainability". 

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Peter BenHur Nyeko is the Co-Founder and Director of Mandulis Energy. He leads Mandulis' development of Africa’s largest grid-tied biomass gasification power plant, as well as the off-grid REPARLE and BEPeARL projects, which won the DFCD Scalable Climate Solutions Challenge at COP26 and is listed in ESI Africa’s top African Power & Energy projects 2022.

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Carla Della Maggiora is Deputy Director and Senior Climate Change and Environmental Finance Specialist at BASE Foundation.

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Marie-Laure Schaufelberger is President of Sustainable Finance Geneva, where she covers best practices in ESG integration across the firm, active ownership and developing strategic partnerships for sustainability and impact

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