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TOP 10 Most Read Thought Leaders of February 2022

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By illuminem

· 6 min read


Enjoy our Thought Leaders of 2022 rankings on Biodiversity, Carbon, Climate Change, Energy Transition, ESG, Hydrogen, Mining and Metals, Power and Utilities, Renewables, Sustainable Business, Sustainable Governance, and Overall.

At we take pride in calling ourselves the “home of sustainability” and in providing a global platform for renowned Thought Leaders to address & constructively debate the most pressing challenges of our time.

From degrowth to transport decarbonization, we are proud to present you with the pieces that attracted the highest readership in February. Please help us congratulate our TOP 10 Thought Leaders of the month!

1️⃣ Noé van Hulst - Special Advisor Hydrogen & fmr. Chairman of the Governing Board, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Country: Netherlands
Latest Thought Piece: How to Kick-start the North-West European Clean Hydrogen Market
Profile: Noé van Hulst is a globally renowned hydrogen expert. He serves as Special Advisor Hydrogen to the IEA, Hydrogen Advisor to infrastructure-company Gasunie, and Senior Fellow at Clingendael International Energy Programme. He has also been vice-Chair of the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy, Dutch Ambassador to the OECD, Chairman of the IEA Governing Board and Director-General for Energy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands.

2️⃣ Erin Remblance - Co-founder, (re)Biz
Country: Australia
Latest Thought Piece: Degrowth: The Path to a Better Life
Profile: Erin Remblance is one of the world’s most recognized thought leader on de-growth and carbon reduction topics. Erin is the co-founder of (re)Biz, a program designed for leaders seeking to implement regeneration and post-growth solutions into their organizations. She was previously an Environmental Programs Associate at NOCO2, an Australian-based firm, where she enabled businesses of all sizes to reduce their carbon footprint.

3️⃣ Esohe Denise Odaro - Managing Director & Head of ESG & Sustainability, PAI Partners & Head of Global Investor Relations,  International Finance Corporation
Country: United Kingdom
Latest Thought Piece: The potential of sustainable bonds to finance gender equality
Profile: Esohe Denise Odaro is the Managing Director at PAI Partners, a private equity firm. She is additionally the Head of Global Investor Relations for the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private arm of the World Bank. Esohe is also a Chair of the Steering Committee of the Green, Social and Sustainability-linked Bond Principles administered by the International Capital Markets Association, a Member of the ESG Leadership Council for the S&P Global, and the co-host of the sustainability podcast "Climate-Biz". She was named “Personality of the Year” in 2020 by the Environmental Finance Magazine.

4️⃣ Michael Barnard - Board Advisor, FLIMAX & Chief Strategist, The Future Is Electric Strategy
Country: Canada
Latest Thought Piece: Marine shipping will change radically, electrify and consume biofuels to decarbonize
Profile: Michael Barnard is Chief Strategist at The Future Is Electric Strategy (TFIE), Advisory Board member of electric aviation startup FLIMAX, and co-founder of distnc technologies. He spends his time projecting scenarios for decarbonization 40-80 years into the future, and assisting executives, Boards, and investors to pick wisely today. Whether it's refueling aviation, grid storage, vehicle-to-grid, or hydrogen demand, his work is based on fundamentals of physics, economics, and human nature, and informed by the decarbonization requirements and innovations of multiple domains. He previously served as Advisory Board Member at Electron aviation and as a Strategic Advisor at Agora Energy Technologies.

5️⃣ David McEwen - Director, Adaptive Capability
Country: Australia
Latest Thought Piece: Why the Climate Denialists' Conspiracy Theory Doesn't Stack up
Profile: David McEwen is a Director at Adaptive Capability. His main spheres of work are CFD-aligned climate risk, and net-zero emissions (NZE) strategy, program and project management. He previously served as Director at Colliers International. He is the author of the book “Navigating the Adaptive Economy", which was published in 2016. He is a proud alumnus of the Victoria University of Washington.

6️⃣ Francesca Sartor - Sustainability and Climate Change Senior Consultant, KPMG
Country: Italy
Latest Thought Piece: The role of hydrogen in the decarbonisation path
Profile: Francesca Sartor is a Sustainability and Climate Change Senior Consultant at KPMG, where she helps companies measure their carbon footprint and implement decarbonization strategies. She is a member of CSRnatives - the first Italian network of young sustainability professionals.

7️⃣ Axel Reinaud - CEO, NetZero & fmr. Managing Director, BCG
Country: France
Latest Thought Piece: Greed and fear will save the climate!
Profile: Axel Reinaud is the co-founder & CEO of NetZero, a climate venture dedicated to long-term carbon removal. NetZero extracts carbon from agricultural waste in tropical developing countries and converts it into a permanent soil amendment (biochar) and electricity. Prior to launching NetZero, Axel was at Boston Consulting Group for 23 years, holding several client and internal leadership positions.

8️⃣ Roberto Vigotti - Secretary General, RES4Africa Foundation & fmr. Renewable Industry Advisor, IEA
Country: Italy
Latest Thought Piece: Can West Africa overcome its challenges and become a global renewable energy leader?
Profile: Roberto Vigotti is the Secretary General of the RES4Africa Foundation, which aims to accelerate the renewable energy transformation in Africa, with Africa, and for Africa. He previously served in a number of role in the renewable energy industry. Among others, he was Renewable Industry Advisory Board (RIAB) Coordinator at the International Energy Agency. He also coordinates renewAfrica, an industry-backed Initiative that advocates the creation of a European comprehensive Programme for RE investments in Africa, to be promoted and owned by EU institutions.

9️⃣ Gillian Marcelle - CEO, Resilience Capital Ventures & Affiliated Researcher, MIT
Country: United States
Latest Thought Piece: Transforming Finance to Work for All
Profile: Gillian Marcelle is CEO of Resilience Capital Ventures, a boutique capital advisory practice specializing in blended finance. She focuses on attracting investment to underserved markets such as telecoms, renewable energy, and regenerative agriculture, leveraging her expertise and network to connect investors with promising ventures that can make a significant impact on local communities and the environment. As an MIT Affiliated Researcher, she works with the Tata Centre for Technology and Design to assess the societal implications of climate change. She is a LinkedIn Top Voice, where she talks about ESG investing, racial justice and climate finance.

🔟 Ilkay Demirdag - Strategic Board Member, AVANEA
Country: Turkey
Latest Thought Piece: We Need Sustainable Disaster Management
Profile: Ilkay Demirdag is a Strategic Board Member at asset manager AVANEA. Among others, she also serves as Advisor at Spin Ventures and Sente Ventures, in addition to her role as Nominee Director at the International Finance Corporation. She previously served as Head of Investor Relations at Enerjisa, Turkey's leading player in the electricity sector. Her expertise is highly recognized in the fields of sustainable finance, impact investing, sustainable economic development and investor relations.

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