Zach Stein



Zach Stein

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Zach Stein is the cofounder of Carbon Collective, home of the Climate Index, an online investing platform that encourages long-term investments to fight climate change simultaneously.

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Zach Stein

Build Back Better: Investments for a More Independent America and a Better World

It is critical that the USA passes the climate provisions of Build Back Better. At $555 billion, it would be closing the climate investment gap. President Biden must make good on the pledges he made at COP26, and many business leaders are relying on the BBB’s clean energy investments to make good on their own climate commitments. This legislation dramatically improves our path to rapidly scale the decarbonization of our economy — and to ensure that America is leading in developing, manufacturing, and selling of critical technologies that will be the foundation of a cleaner economy.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Sustainable investing: finding climate friendly investments
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Zach Stein

Sustainable investing: finding climate friendly investments

Environmental Sustainability

Sustainable investing is hard, especially when you’re focused on climate change. When we explored the options that were available today, it felt like we were trying to have our cake and eat it too. Diversified, low-fee ESG ETFs still had fossil fuel companies in them. The eco funds focused on climate change lacked diversity and had frustratingly high fees.

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Zach Stein

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Environmental Sustainability · ESG

Sustainable investing: finding climate friendly investments

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