Young-jin Choi

Mitigation · Climate Change
Young-jin Choi
There are (at least) three interdependent crises at the heart of humanity’s current inability to get the global economy’s greenhouse gas emissions under control
Young-jin Choi
Some pundits seem to see value in climate activists acknowledging the improbability of achieving 1.5 C (with or without overshoot) sooner rather than later, and adjusting their demands upwards to a more “realistic” “well below 2 C”. But while it is normal that political goal posts and long-term aspirations evolve over time, it is important to understand that 1.5 C is not a normal goal. We cannot simply give up on it because it has become seemingly “impossible” to achieve. First and foremost, 1.5 C is a physical limit, a scientific margin of safety. We cannot abandon a physical limit. Furthermore, 1.5 C is a moral responsibility. And we cannot escape our moral responsibility.
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Young-jin Choi
Mitigation · Climate Change
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