Young-jin Choi



Young-jin Choi

#88 most read in

 Climate Change

Young-jin Choi is a climate impact investing activist and head of impact at a purpose-driven climate impact Private Equity fund. Previously, he worked in Impact Investing Advisory, Corporate VC, and Strategy Consulting. He holds three master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering, International Business Studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE).

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Young-jin Choi

Sapien’s kryptonite

There are (at least) three interdependent crises at the heart of humanity’s current inability to get the global economy’s greenhouse gas emissions under control

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Why we should keep 1.5 C alive
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Young-jin Choi

Why we should keep 1.5 C alive


Some pundits seem to see value in climate activists acknowledging the improbability of achieving 1.5 C (with or without overshoot) sooner rather than later, and adjusting their demands upwards to a more “realistic” “well below 2 C”. But while it is normal that political goal posts and long-term aspirations evolve over time, it is important to understand that 1.5 C is not a normal goal. We cannot simply give up on it because it has become seemingly “impossible” to achieve. First and foremost, 1.5 C is a physical limit, a scientific margin of safety. We cannot abandon a physical limit. Furthermore, 1.5 C is a moral responsibility. And we cannot escape our moral responsibility.

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Young-jin Choi

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Mitigation · Climate Change

Why we should keep 1.5 C alive

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