Shivaram Rajgopal



Shivaram Rajgopal

#201 most read in


Shiva Rajgopal is the Kester and Byrnes Professor at Columbia Business School where he has also served as the Vice Dean of Research. He works on sustainability and financial reporting questions and is deeply interested in bringing academic work to bear on practical and policy issues. Previously, he was a faculty member at Duke University, Emory University, and the University of Washington.

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Shivaram Rajgopal

A First Look At The SEC’s New ESG Funds Disclosure Rule

Shivaram Rajkopal reviews the new rule and asks whether we need something similar for non-ESG funds as well. He worries whether funds can get still get away with vague disclosures unless the SEC ramps up enforcement.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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