Rikkert Reijnen



Rikkert Reijnen

#4 most read in

 Animal Welfare

Rikkert Reijnen has spent the past twenty years working for non-governmental organizations protecting biodiversity across the globe. His role is to navigate and unite complex stakeholder networks – from government institutions to high-net worth donors to field technicians – around community-based conservation initiatives. To reach the UN biodiversity goals, Rikkert is interested in unlocking the power of the private sector to accelerate biodiversity protection and restoration.

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Rikkert Reijnen

Room to roam: creating the largest transfrontier conservation area on the planet

It is overly clear that effective, large-scale, audacious conservation efforts are necessary; otherwise, we risk losing Africa’s elephants

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
A paradigm shift is needed to fund the protection, restoration and sustainable management of lifesaving biodiversity
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Rikkert Reijnen

A paradigm shift is needed to fund the protection, restoration and sustainable management of lifesaving biodiversity

Sustainable Business

To bridge the conservation finance gap, the private sector has to stand up and seize responsibility

Recent publications

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Rikkert Reijnen

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Sustainable Business · Services

A paradigm shift is needed to fund the protection, restoration and sustainable management of lifesaving biodiversity

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