Oluwafisayo Taiwo



Oluwafisayo Taiwo

#27 most read in


Oluwafisayo Taiwo is a Final year Law student at the University of Lagos. She is passionate about International Law, Energy Law, Law of Taxation, Arbitration, and Sustainable Development Goals. She is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators and an Intern at Uwana Energy.

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Oluwafisayo Taiwo

A critical study on Nigeria's Petroleum Industry Act 2021

The oil and gas industry plays a significant role in the development of the economy of Nigeria, both in terms of revenue generation and commercial viability. Although, the industry contributes about 90% of the foreign exchange earnings and 60% of total income. Consequently, any adverse change in the industry will have a striking and long-term impact on government finances and commercial arrangements in the country.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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