Nuno M. Barracha Gaspar



Nuno M. Barracha Gaspar

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Nuno M. Barracha Gaspar is an European climate pact ambassador based in Portugal. He’s a member of two NGO’s in his country and has been participating in many projects and forums related to environmental sustainability. His objective is to become an architect focused on sustainable constructions, accessible to everyone.

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Nuno M. Barracha Gaspar

Does New York Sleep on Green Solutions?

New York City is one of the largest cities in the world and one of the most known one as well. It concentrates around 8 million people on a considerably small piece of land. This means that the pollution here is highly concentrated and, of course, highly related to the life quality level of this population.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Bioclimatic Architecture Is there a way that a large city turns greener and sustainable?
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Nuno M. Barracha Gaspar

Bioclimatic Architecture Is there a way that a large city turns greener and sustainable?

Environmental Sustainability

Nowadays, nearly 54% of the world’s population lives in cities. According to the studied expectations of the UN, by the end of the century, this number will increase by 12%, contributing to a total of around 66% of the world’s population living in cities. And how could this be a problem? In fact, the urban settlements are responsible for nearly 70% of the world’s greenhouse effect gases even though these cities only represent 2% of the global area on our planet. According to a report by the IEA, the building and construction sector consume together 36% of the world’s energy and contribute 39% to the release of greenhouse effect gases.

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Nuno M. Barracha Gaspar

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

Bioclimatic Architecture Is there a way that a large city turns greener and sustainable?

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