Norman Waite



Norman Waite

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Norman Waite is an IEEFA energy finance analyst who covers renewable energy as IEEFA’s Renewables Champion in Asia. Norman has been active in environmental work previously working for Greenpeace and Earthtrust. He holds two master’s degrees in Business Administration and Environmental Studies from Yale University.

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Norman Waite

More is More: Potential boost to Asian renewable energy from the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework

Multilateral agreements led by United States and China could benefit countries which need a combined annual spend of about USD1.27T to hit the 1.5°C climate goal The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) may take another 12-18 months of negotiations to deliver details. IPEF member countries can choose to sign up to any or all of its four Pillars: Fair trade, Supply-chain resilience, Decarbonization, and Anti-corruption. If the IPEF becomes a binding agreement that delivers on its ambitions, many Asia Pacific economies could receive a boost to their clean energy needs.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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