Nadia Ameli



Nadia Ameli

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Nadia Ameli is a Principal Research Fellow at University College London's Institute for Sustainable Resources. Nadia is also bringing research insights into policymaking and practical experience to bear upon academic studies. Her research supported the work at several international public policy organizations, including the OECD, the European Commission and the United Nations.

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David Donnelly

Disclosure isn’t enough: It’s time to tax high-carbon investment

An investment emissions intensity tax would challenge funds to match their net zero declarations with actions.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Why climate disclosures alone will not move markets
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Nadia Ameli

Why climate disclosures alone will not move markets

Environmental Sustainability

Transparency on climate risks is important, but it will not divert capital away from fossil fuels without big structural changes to the financial system.

Recent publications

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Nadia Ameli

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Environmental Sustainability · Carbon Market

Why climate disclosures alone will not move markets

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