Luciana Antonini Ribeiro



Luciana Antonini Ribeiro

#151 most read in

 Climate Change

Luciana Antonini Ribeiro is co-founder of eB Capital, a leading private equity firm investing in highly scalable solutions to Brazilian structural gaps.

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Luciana Antonini Ribeiro

Traceability is Essential for the Green Transition

From the food to the goods and services sector, tracking a product from origin to destination is gaining increased space in companies' climate and social commitment strategies. Effective green transition needs investments in transparency. Investments in traceability solutions for companies are essential to ensure business resilience and efficiency. Besides, they are also strategic for the decarbonization of production chains and the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
In 2022, you will order upcycled food
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Luciana Antonini Ribeiro

In 2022, you will order upcycled food

Environmental Sustainability

Food waste and loss reach 30% and account for 8% of global CO2 emissions (Project Drawdown). Arguments that strengthen the increasingly appetizing theme of upcycled food.

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Luciana Antonini Ribeiro

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

In 2022, you will order upcycled food

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