Kenneth Pucker



Kenneth Pucker

#91 most read in

 Sustainable Finance

Kenneth Pucker is a Professor of Practice at the Fletcher School at Tufts University. Prior to this, Ken served as the Chief Operating Officer at Timberland.

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Kenneth Pucker

Proponents and critics of ESG claim it can change society. Both will be disappointed.

Whether or not asset managers are “woke,” ESG doesn’t hurt oil companies or provide capital for solutions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
The trillion-dollar fantasy: linking ESG investing to planetary impact
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Kenneth Pucker

The trillion-dollar fantasy: linking ESG investing to planetary impact

Environmental Sustainability

On April 8 2021, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration observatory in Mauna Loa, Hawaii, reported that the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere had reached 419 parts per million, the highest levels recorded in more than 4 million years (this number peaked for 2022 at 421 parts per million in May).

Recent publications

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Kenneth Pucker

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Environmental Sustainability · ESG

The trillion-dollar fantasy: linking ESG investing to planetary impact

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