Julia Steinberger



Julia Steinberger

#302 most read in

 Climate Change

Dr Julia Steinberger is Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Lausanne. She studies the relationships between the use of resources and performance of societies. She is an author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report, contributing to the report's discussion of climate change mitigation pathways.

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Julia Steinberger

Individuals and social pressure: how to change the world

In this article, Julia Steinberger shares six insights she learned from analysing one activist's campaign: Individuals are everything; Institutions are, alone, are nothing; Social pressure works; Urgency begets creativity (and effectiveness); A culture of love wins the day; We only understand what systems are made of when we try to transform them.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
The kids are not ok
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Julia Steinberger

The kids are not ok

Environmental Sustainability

This article, written by an eminent environmental scientist and teacher, deep-dives into one of the author's experiences. Confronted by high school students during a speech, she realised the source of young people's willingness to change the current system.

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Julia Steinberger

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

The kids are not ok

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