Hayley Moller



Hayley Moller

#70 most read in

 Sustainable Finance

Hayley Moller is a communicator, strategist, and entrepreneur with more than a decade of experience finding innovative – and inclusive – ways to tackle the climate crisis. She is currently Chief Marketing Officer for Thallo, a climate tech start-up using blockchain technology to democratize the voluntary carbon markets.

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Hayley Moller

The nexus of voluntary carbon markets & blockchain: what you need to know

Increasing interest in effective global climate action in recent years has brought the voluntary carbon market to the fore. At its base, the voluntary carbon market is a mechanism to try and bring negative externalities - namely, the release of carbon emissions into the atmosphere - into the global market. But with all the new attention on the carbon market space, many of its challenges have come to light. To solve some of these problems, one unlikely group has begun to step forward: blockchain entrepreneurs.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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