Emma McGarthy



Emma McGarthy

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Emma McGarthy is Head of the Sustainable Policy Institute at the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF). She works on researching trends, developing relationships and programming meetings for the Sustainable Policy Institute. She also worked as a conference producer, leading on content, research and building key industry relationships in the sustainability sector.

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Emma McGarthy

Is it time to say RIP to ESG?

‘It’s time to say RIP to ESG,’ declared one of its key proponents at a dinner hosted by OMFIF at the House of Lords. Anne Simpson, formerly managing investment director for board governance and sustainability, CalPERS, and newly appointed global head of sustainability at Franklin Templeton, explained that the environmental, social and governance movement had come of age and would be integrated into the ‘visible hand of stewardship’ for all companies and investors.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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