Corrado Clini



Corrado Clini

#1 most read in


Corrado Clini is one of the world's most renowned environmental experts and policy-makers. He served as Minister of Environment, Land and Sea of Italy from 2011 to 2013. Prior to that, he spent over two decades as the Director General of the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea. During this time, he directed national programs on industry and the environment, energy and the environment, transport and the environment, and the research and development of new technologies for energy efficiency and conservation of natural resources. He was also the Co-Chairman of the G8 Task Force on Renewable Energy and Chairman of the Global Bioenergy Partnership. He is now a Visiting Professor at the Department for Environmental Sciences and Engineering of Tsinghua University.

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Corrado Clini

Climate change and energy. The G7 is not enough

How can the G7 triple renewable sources "regardless" of the international context of supplies and development of innovative technologies for the refining and use of raw materials?

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Judgments and misconceptions about the EU taxonomy
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Corrado Clini

Judgments and misconceptions about the EU taxonomy

Environmental Sustainability

On December 15, 2021, the European Commission presented its proposal for a legislative package to decarbonize the gas market, which includes measures for the deployment of renewable gases and "green" hydrogen that will require at least 40 GW of renewable-fueled electrolysers by 2030. The proposal also introduces a freeze to 2049 on long-term contracts for "non-decarbonized fossil" natural gas.

Recent publications

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Corrado Clini

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

Judgments and misconceptions about the EU taxonomy

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