Auriane Clostre



Auriane Clostre

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Auriane Clostre is a Co-founder of StimShift, she has one obsession: to drastically reduce the environmental footprint of industries. To achieve this, she offers her clients Stim’s expertise in disruptive innovation and innovative design methods to help them reinvent themselves in the face of the ecological emergency.

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Anh Nguyen

Reinvent the business model – the most important lever to tackle the environmental shift

In recent years, companies and industries are starting to rethink their products and services in order to achieve ambitious environmental goals. While these eco-design efforts are necessary, they are still object-bound while ignoring the whole system.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Environmental shift: which innovation strategy for your sector?
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Anh Nguyen

Environmental shift: which innovation strategy for your sector?

Environmental Sustainability

Climate change and environmental shift are becoming one of the most discussed topics in the business world. Yet, unlike past shifts and transitions, the impact and urgency of the situation is no longer just business-based. The challenges caused by environmental and climate degradation have been scientifically proven to be crucial to the survival of not only businesses, but our societies and humanity as a whole.

Recent publications

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Anh Nguyen

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Environmental Sustainability · ESG

Environmental shift: which innovation strategy for your sector?

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