Amelie Lambert



Amelie Lambert

#114 most read in

 Climate Change

​​Amelie Lambert is a communications and sustainability consultant. Having spent most of her career in the Advertising industry, Amelie operates at the intersection of creativity and sustainability. She also collaborates with fellow change-makers across sectors to accelerate the just transition.

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Amelie Lambert

How purpose-driven leadership will transform business for good

Prioritize societal wellbeing and environmental sustainability over mere profits

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Connecting the dots on sustainability: why we’re approaching a point of maximum possibility and maximum danger
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Amelie Lambert

Connecting the dots on sustainability: why we’re approaching a point of maximum possibility and maximum danger

Climate Change

Infighting between activist movements and political leaders rolling back on planet and climate commitments may cause a loss of heart, but, says Amelie Lambert, they may be a sign we’re on the verge of a paradigm shift

Recent publications

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Amelie Lambert

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Climate Change · Environmental Sustainability

Connecting the dots on sustainability: why we’re approaching a point of maximum possibility and maximum danger

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