Alexandra Peek



Alexandra Peek

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Alexandra Peek is a Staff Associate at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University. Her research interests broadly cover the issues of climate inequality and inequity and what it means to create a justice transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Her previous research has largely focused on the political and social impacts renewable energy infrastructure and green markets have on local and indigenous populations in the Global South. Her research also expands on the correlation between climate injustice in the Global South and environmental racism taking place within the Global North.

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Alexandra Peek

A recipe for a just transition

This is a recipe made up of three ingredients, inspired by the top issues discussed at COP28, for how to counter the climate crisis by moving towards a net-zero society in an equitable way

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Invisible women in energy: millions of household biomass producers
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Philippe Benoit

Invisible women in energy: millions of household biomass producers

Women Empowerment

An estimated 2.4 billion people currently lack access to clean cooking fuels. Hidden behind these figures are the people who produce the biomass that powers most of this energy use: often women and girls

Recent publications

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Philippe Benoit

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Women Empowerment · Social Responsibility

Invisible women in energy: millions of household biomass producers

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