Ad van Wijk



Ad van Wijk

#32 most read in

 Energy Transition

Ad van Wijk is a and Professor of Future Energy Systems at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. He is also a guest professor at the KWR Water Research Institute. Amongst others, he was awarded the titles of Dutch Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007 and Dutch Top Executive in 2008.

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Frank Wouters

A strategic storage vision for Europe

To accelerate the development of a hydrogen system from scratch we need to decouple the production from the demand, both in time and place

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energy transition
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Frank Wouters

Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energy transition


To keep global warming below 1.5 °C, our energy systems need to be carbon emission free latest by 2050, and many countries have pledged to do so. A high-level model was built for a fictitious economy called Utopia to assess three pathways towards a zero-carbon economy by 2050: a gradual (linear) replacement of fossil fuels by clean energy, an accelerated pathway leading to a carbon free system by 2035, and a delayed pathway, in which replacement takes place from 2035 onwards. The model yields very clear results. The accelerated pathway is not only 21% cheaper than a gradual phasing out of fossil fuels, with accumulated savings of $4 trillion over a period of 30 years, but also the climate wins, with emissions reducing from 32.7 GT to 13.1 GT over the same period.

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Frank Wouters

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Energy · Environmental Sustainability

Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energy transition

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