Victor Perton



Victor Perton

#68 most read in

 Sustainable Lifestyle

Victor Perton is a Board Member of Yarra Valley Water - one of Australia's largest water retailers.  He is the Chair of its Leadership Culture and Wellbeing Committee.  The corporation's 2030 strategy looks to "An optimistic future" with its values including "Knowing we need to Be Brave So that we make A Positive Impact."

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Victor Perton

Urban farms at hospitals: A revolution in healthcare and healing

Hospitals are increasingly looking beyond traditional methods to enhance patient recovery and well-being

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
The power of optimism in cultivating resilience
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Victor Perton

The power of optimism in cultivating resilience


Optimism provides a framework that looks beyond immediate difficulties towards a brighter, more hopeful future

Recent publications

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Victor Perton

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ESG · Corporate Sustainability

The power of optimism in cultivating resilience

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