Togzhan Tolegen



Togzhan Tolegen

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Togzhan Tolegen is a finance student at Cleveland State University, beyond that she is also an aspiring author focused on numerous topics which concern the lives of multiple society members.

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Togzhan Tolegen

Why Invest More in Climate Change R&D?

Air is becoming saturated. Insatiable mosquitoes and other insect creatures are leaving the corners of the planet and starting to live in new places, infecting people after people. Waters are unexpectedly washing away a large portion of corn crops. The cattle feed is gone. A farmer won’t be able to keep cattle alive for long. Of course, this scenario does not happen in one day, but, from a long-term perspective, if no one bothers about climate change, this path is certainly possible.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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