Timothée Parrique



Timothée Parrique

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Timothée Parrique is a researcher at the School of Economics at Lund University. His PhD dissertation “The political economy of degrowth” (2019), explores the economic implications of the idea of degrowth.

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Timothée Parrique

A response to Noah Smith: is degrowth bad economics?

I love sci-fi and it’s very tempting to jump in feet first to discuss the growth-is-forever-possible-if-we-live-in-the-matrix argument from Noah Smith’s latest piece The Metaverse and (near-)infinite economic growth. But I won’t do that now. Instead, I want to respond to the – less amusing and yet extremely important – twofold claim that (a) growth is currently becoming green in high-income countries (it is not), and (b) that the degrowth argument is not theoretically founded (it is).

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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