Thomas Schröder



Thomas Schröder

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Thomas Schröder is a member of South Pole’s leadership team in Australia. He is responsible for developing carbon and biodiversity projects, drawing on South Pole’s global leadership role.

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Thomas Schröder

Reducing emissions in the agricultural sector: options for Australia and beyond

Since its discovery in late 2019, the whole world has been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many lives have been lost and different variants of particular strains of the corona virus continue to negatively impact society and the way we live our lives. Yet, for all of its negative consequences, COVID-19 had a welcome side effect for a while. Limiting people’s movements, complete city lockdowns, and the temporary slowing down of the global economy led to a net reduction of 6.4% in global greenhouse gas emissions in 2020. With the recovery from the pandemic, many of the conventional ways of production were resumed and a real pivot to “build back better” was missed.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Want to work in the sustainability industry? Here are my 7 top tips to help you land your dream job
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Thomas Schröder

Want to work in the sustainability industry? Here are my 7 top tips to help you land your dream job

Environmental Sustainability

More and more professionals, especially millennials, want to work in a field like climate change they personally feel passionate about. Working in this space is a rich experience. Read this article by Thomas Schröder, Head of Climate Action at South Pole Australia, to gather some hands-on tips.

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Thomas Schröder

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

Want to work in the sustainability industry? Here are my 7 top tips to help you land your dream job

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