Stefanie Gey



Stefanie Gey

#72 most read in

 Ethical Governance

Dr. Stefanie Gey is a Founder of DrivingWhatMatters4ESG (DWM4ESG), a pioneering entity, launched at COP27. DWM4ESG is dedicated to shedding light on the millions of credible Solutions in the ‘E’, ‘S’ or ‘G’ sphere that are already out there to help accelerate the 17 UN SDG and thus to tackle our many planetary Challenges. Stefanie is also a Board Member of Montana Capital Partners AG (MCP). Prior to DWM4ESG & MCP, Stefanie spent almost 14 years at EY, with different leadership responsibilities, including Regional Managing Partner Talent; Member of the Regional Consulting Executive Team, Data Protection & Privacy Leader; Head Insurance Legal, Regulatory & Compliance and Global Insurance Law Leader. Before EY, Stefanie had several leadership functions in the FS sector for almost a decade.

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Stefanie Gey

The sustainable solutions are out there – why don’t we adopt them faster?

There is one planet, earth and one humankind

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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