Simon Mundy



Simon Mundy

#3 most read in


Simon Mundy the author of Race for Tomorrow, a book about the global fight to respond to climate change. He spent nearly two years travelling through six continents to tell the stories of the diverse cast of characters locked in this historic struggle – from communities hit by extreme physical shifts, to business leaders grappling with the implications for the world economy. He has reported for the Financial Times since 2010, and in 2021 was appointed Moral Money Editor – covering the push for a cleaner and more sustainable world economy for the award-winning Moral Money platform and across the wider FT.

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Simon Mundy

"None of these reefs have to die": An excerpt from Race for Tomorrow

Read an excerpt from "Chapter 5: Maldives" of Simon Mundy's new book "Race for Tomorrow" published by William Collins.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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