Sara Murdock



Sara Murdock

#138 most read in

 Sustainable Business

Dr. Sara Murdock, a cultural futurist and organizational anthropologist, conducts research, writes, and develops projects bridging social science and social imaginary. With over two decades of experience in real-world applications, she's an award-winning strategist and advisor for boards, C-execs, and think tanks. Currently, she serves as the Futurist in Residence for Tech startup Eqogo, Founder of the How We Look project, and a soon-to-be-announced research Fellowship. 

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Sara Murdock

Remote-forward work is the future, but not for the reasons you might think

Even for companies that don’t care from an ethics perspective, it will pay to care financially and reputationally

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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