Robert Chris



Robert Chris

#266 most read in

 Climate Change

Robert Chris is an Honorary Associate at the Open University (Geography) and an Associate of the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge. His PhD and subsequent research interest concern the insights offered by complex adaptive systems theory to climate change policymaking.

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Robert Chris

Moral hazard or moral duty: repairing the climate with greenhouse gas removal and solar radiation management

The need for deep and rapid emissions reduction, a major issue for COP26, is unarguable. However, the climate has already changed and the evidence is now incontrovertible that emissions reductions alone cannot be sufficient to stay within the 1.5°C limit. Additional actions, such as greenhouse gas removal (GGR) and solar radiation management (SRM) that reverse the trends of climate change, are needed. Some have voiced concerns that GGR and SRM, sometimes referred to collectively as ‘geoengineering’, might lead to reduced efforts on emissions reduction.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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