Prashant Kapoor



Prashant Kapoor

#14 most read in

 Sustainable Living

Prashant Kapoor is an advocate for sustainable solutions that align the interests of businesses, financial institutions, governments and civil society. He is the entrepreneur who created EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”), a software application and certification system to mainstream resource-efficient building growth in emerging markets. He is currently leading the APEX Green Cities Program piloting that supports cities in transitioning to low-carbon and resource-efficient growth pathways.

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Prashant Kapoor

Could property-linked finance be the silver bullet to propel green retrofits at scale in cities?

A financial mechanism like PLF can help cover the high upfront costs of energy efficiency retrofits and yield immediate payback, incentivizing owners to opt for the most effective measures

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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