Pierre-Adrien Bréard



Pierre-Adrien Bréard

#148 most read in

 Public Governance

Pierre-Adrien Bréard is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and a process engineer. After becoming ecologically aware in the spring of 2021, he decided to push his commitment further by joining the Ecological Awakening collective in October 2021.

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Pierre-Adrien Bréard

Carbon neutrality and what it means to the members of For an Ecological Awakening

"A carbon-neutral journey", "a zero-carbon event", "a climate-neutral territory": such statements are irresponsibly displayed by businesses and organisations that claim to be developing carbon-neutral products and services, across all sectors. This ultimately amounts to deviating from the concept of carbon neutrality, through the guise of carbon emission offsetting. It bears three sources of negligence.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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