Paul Boeffard



Paul Boeffard

#13 most read in

 Oil & Gas

Paul Boeffard is an entrepreneur in the sustainable finance sector, focusing on innovative climate finance solutions. As the founder of Leavit, he's dedicated to supporting oil-producing nations transition to low-carbon economies, drawing from his experience managing €305 million in sustainable projects and spearheading climate initiatives in Paris. Boeffard's expertise spans from carbon markets to energy/climate project management, with the goal of contributing to environmental resilience and sustainable urban planning. 

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Paul Boeffard

The viral BBC interview with Guyana’s president and Western hypocrisy on the oil phase-out

For those who still consider just transition principles as theoretical, here's a concrete example highlighting the urgent need for more practical application

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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