Pablo Moral Vega



Pablo Moral Vega

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Pablo Moral Vega is a BSc graduate in mechanical engineering at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, working on the optimisation of industrial process flows applying lean manufacturing and six sigma techniques. Investor and enthusiast of the energy and mining sector. Coffee lover.

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Pablo Moral Vega

Why isn't tidal energy a huge thing right now?

As of today, tidal installed power could only provide the enough energy to power 400 000 homes. In this story, we will cover how tidal power works and why it isn't everywhere yet.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Organic waste has enormous potential in Europe
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Pablo Moral Vega

Organic waste has enormous potential in Europe


Let's start with what biogas is and how it is produced

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Pablo Moral Vega

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Energy · Environmental Sustainability

Organic waste has enormous potential in Europe

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