Oli Brown



Oli Brown

#457 most read in

 Climate Change

Oli Brown is a fellow with the Chatham House and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. Previously he coordinated the UN Environment Programme’s work to minimize the risks and impacts of disasters, industrial accidents and armed conflicts. He authored many widely cited books, such as Migration and Climate Change and Climate change as the 'new'security threat: implications for Africa.​

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Oli Brown

How the international system should tackle climate risk

Roughly two dozen international organisations, mostly in the United Nations (UN) family, foster cooperation and set the global agenda on a range of critical issues, including health, water, energy, environment, food, migration, security, and development. Collectively they provide the world with a critical safety net and, in the words of the second UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, the purpose is not to lead humanity to heaven but rather to ‘save it from hell’.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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